Tag Archive | self-criticism

Taking Up Space

When I was at an art supply store the other day, I saw these tiny canvases for sale. They were literally a 3-inch square, and they cost all of $2 each. I thought they were really cute and totally non-threatening, as opposed to getting a big, “real” canvas to paint on. I don’t think of myself as an Artist with a capital “A” – I draw to express myself, more like visual journaling, rather than to “make art”. I usually only show my works to one or two other people, and only those who really know me. But the tiny canvases, literally called “Itty Canvas” seemed innocent enough. I even

Blank Itty Canvas

Blank Itty Canvas

bought two of them. (I didn’t, however, buy the itty easel that came with them – that would have been too much. Maybe if Tinker Bell comes over to paint, she could use one of those easels, but not me.)

But at home, those canvases suddenly felt really big.

The rest of this entry is now part of my Kindle ebook, titled “Learning Psychoanalysis: Explorations of a Psychoanalytic Candidate” and can be found here: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08X3TNH83